Welcome, data traveller, on my small but growing web page.
This site is a colorful collection of different things that I want to share with the world.
After some moves, the site finally arrived at http://www.udo-richter.de/.
But also the old redirector http://urichter.cjb.net/ will continue to work.
Thats whats available here:
- VDR snippets (Deutsch ) (english )
- Collected work around Klaus Schmidingers VDR project
- MrvLimit (Deutsch ) (english )
- My diploma thesis "Automatische Berechnung von Grenzwerten und Implementierung in Mathematica" about calculating limits in Mathematica.
- Undokumentiertes am DFI P5BV3+ (Deutsch ) (english )
- Undocumented informations about the old DFI boards
- Comments about eBay auctions (german only)